News 2016

News 2016


Saving your files


Unfortunately not. We have a maximum entry size of 180mm square, or 510px (pixels) at 72dpi, with a maximum file size of 5mb.

We have decided this to add an element of consistency, but will also make the judging process easier. You can download the template here. Please make sure you use this size for your designs!

Your entry can be either on its own, or using the template, as long as it’s to size and named correctly, it’s whatever you’re most comfortable doing.


Tip: An easy way to ensure your file is nice and small is to ‘Save for Web’, found in both Illsutrator and photoshop from the File menu. You can also ensure your dimensions are acurate from there too.

From the File menu dropdown:

     File Menu Dropdown

     File Menu Dropdown

          Save For Web Dialogue Window - tap to enlarge

Select JPEG - High (shown in blue circle).
Change size if necessary (shown in green circle).

IMPORTANT: Please retain the original artwork, photo, render etc. as these may be required if you are a winner.

If you are having issues with uploading to the website, feel free to get in touch and let us know - we'd be more than happy to help.

Please take a look at our full FAQ page for more burning questions, which can also be found on in the footer on the website.