


Tropical Brief Winner


Firstly, we would like to apologise for the delay in getting the results out to you all for our Tropical brief. We had lots of people approach us at New Designers asking when we were going to announce the winner.

Our only excuse is that Gifted? at New Designers took over most of our time and we simply couldn't get all the judges together to select the overall winner. There were also over 300 entries to collate and look through!

So, without further ado and our sorry's out of the way, it is with great pleasure that we announce Jamie Bennett as our winner.


I'm sure you'll agree that Jamie's designs are very colourful and characters have a real sense of fun about them.

The judges comments were:

"We loved Jamie's beautiful character styles and use of bold bright colours. There’s certainly fantastic potential from a commercial stand point. Well done Jamie."

Please join us in wishing Jamie a huge congratulations, who will receive a prize of £200.